Opening:Sep. 6, 2024 5:00 pm
Duration:Sep. 5, 2024 - Sep. 8, 2024
Artists:Luděk Rathouský
Curator:Pavel Kubesa
Address:Jeruzalémská, Jeruzalémská 964/4, Prague 1, Prague, 110 00

5.– 8. 9. 2024, 10:00-18:00
Vernisáž / Opening: 6. 9. 2024, 17:00

Luděk Rathouský (*1975), a founding member of the RAFANI group, is a painter and artist who is committed to the post-conceptual level of thinking. His latest cycle, Black Series, is inspired by Judaism as one of the oldest entities shaping European culture. After his previous study of the Western aesthetic code of medieval Christianity, he now turns to hermetic mathematical schemes and kabbalistic principles, which for Rathouský become the basic order for the “calculation” of his paintings. In Black Series, Rathouský turns to the profound systems and schemata of constitutive religious doctrines for European culture and elaborates them in a determinate abstract morphology. The exhibition presents a closed system of ten canvases that reflect the “Sephirotic Tree of Life.” 

The exhibition in the premises of the former bank in Jerusalem Street will also include the exhibitions HCAC: An Introduction and the group exhibition Fields of Flicker.