EDUcare: Jiří Franta

Text by:Lenka Bakes

What do we learn from art? Where to invest our care? And what should we pay attention to? These are the questions of the new podcast series EDUcare – the art of exploring.

In the Art Week podcast, we welcomed Jiří Franta, who spoke on behalf of the artistic duo known as Jiří Franta and David Böhm.

Franta and Böhm have been collaborating on artistic projects since 2006, having met as classmates at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. They describe themselves as not creating drawings, but drawing. They are the authors of book and magazine illustrations, organize performances, make videos, and also create spatial installations that intervene in public spaces. One of these is the sculpture *The Object of Our Conversations*, which you can see in the Odkolekce collection during PAW24. It is a spatial drawing: a classical two-dimensional discipline developed into the form of a three-dimensional sculpture representing a stylized conversation of three “talking heads.”

“One thing is exhibiting in a gallery, where we can afford many things, and another is the public space. Besides sculptures, performing in a performative or happening manner is also something entirely different. In the case of a sculptural work, one must consider that it is subject to many eyes and many opinions. However, I don’t think the artist should compromise in any way; on the contrary, they should remain steadfast and fulfill their idea. But even so, the fact that it’s in a public space creeps in, and it has to communicate differently there. For example, the scale is different,” responds Jiří Franta to the question about his experience working in public spaces and the feedback their realizations received in them.

On this occasion, we can invite listeners on September 5th at 5 p.m. to the Superstudio PAW for the discussion *Art, Architecture & Development*, where Magdaléna Juříková, Director of the Prague City Gallery, Marie Foltýnová, curator of the Prague City Gallery, Helena Huber-Doudová, curator of the Architecture Collection at the National Gallery Prague, Petr Volf, curator of the Odkolekce art collection, Martina Suchánková, project leader of ART.cukrovar, and from a legislative perspective, Filip Čabart from Havel & Partners, will debate questions of art, architecture, and urban planning.

Franta and Böhm prepared the *Fabulant* exhibition for a year and a half. It spans two floors in the House of Photography GHMP. You can discover what fabrications the authors have hidden within it during PAW24, when the exhibition will be open all day on September 8th for a symbolic price of 1 CZK. The entire PAW24 will conclude on Sunday, September 8th, at 6 p.m. with a double concert by WWW and Aid Kid instead of the traditional guided tour of the exhibition.