Opening:Sep. 6, 2024 5:00 pm
Duration:Sep. 5, 2024 - Sep. 8, 2024
Artists:Tereza Kalousová, Lukáš Šmejkal, Šimon Chlouba
Curator:Pavel Kubesa
Address:Jeruzalémská, Jeruzalémská 964/4, Prague 1, Prague, 110 00

5.– 8. 9. 2024, 10:00-18:00

Vernisáž / Opening: 6. 9. 2024, 17:00

The exhibition „Flicker Type Fields“ presents a trio of artists from the youngest emerging generation that is beginning to establish itself on the domestic art scene. The artist Tereza Kalousová, together with painters Šimon Chlouba and Lukáš Šmejkal, represent a specific authorial sensitivity towards the substantive and phenomenally changing nature of reality, as selected by curator Pavel Kubesa. They capture reality on the edge of the „postnatural revolution“ at the moment of transformation of its pillars, i.e. space-time and (not only) human (self-)consciousness. In the indeterminacy of the transforming matter – in the indistinguishability between the terrible and the new – they affect the possible direction of the future.

The exhibition in the premises of the former bank in Jerusalem Street will also include the exhibitions Luděk Rathouský: Black Series and the group exhibition HCAC: An Introduction.