Opening:Sep. 5, 2024 6:00 pm
Duration:Sep. 5, 2024 - Oct. 11, 2024
Artists:Lenka Tyrpeklová
Curator:Pavel Kubesa
Text by:Galerie NoD
Address:Galerie NoD, Dlouhá 33, Old Town, Prague, 110 00

Opening: 5. 9. 2024, 18:00

Lenka Tyrpeklová (*1989) focuses on various social themes in her intermedia-oriented work. These include, for example, the topics of the prison system, women’s prisons, or the all-encompassing theme of freedom, which has a very diversified form in the contemporary context. The exhibition project Mea Maxima Culpa Casino Abrakadabra presents the artist’s view of the institution of the judiciary and justice as a “casino”: that is, a space of chance, erraticism, luck, and misfortune, where instead of justice and objectivity, the legal system is often built on paradoxes and contradictions. Lenka Tyrpeklová thus looks at the judicial process as such, with its specific language, style, and roles of judicial actors. At the same time, she takes note of both the issue of time, which paralyzes us in our personal lives in the case of accusations, as well as the finality, irreversibility, and devastating effects of the word “guilty.”