Nuances of Breath

Artists:Michal Pustějovský, Kateřina Šťastná
Curator:Bára Alex Kašparová
Text by:Curator Contemporary
Address:Curator Contemporary, U Lužického semináře 12, Prague 1, Prague, 118 00

8. 9. 2024, 16:00 Artist Talk 

At the moment when strict geometry organically loosens, a timespace for breath emerges. This is materialized by Kateřina Šťastná in the direct materiality of plaster and ceramics. A graduate of the Sculpture Studio II under the guidance of Tomáš Hlavina and Jimena Mendoza at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, she brings figures to life that, without the influence of color and with a crucial emphasis on shape and sculptural material, embody the fundamental principles of this vital process.

Curator Contemporary