Where to Go After Prague Art Week 24?

Photogallery: BAW24_Gropius-Bau_Kerstin-Braetsch-Fossil-Psychic-for-Christa-Stucco-Marmo-Detail-2019, Foto-Daniele-Molajoli, BAW24_CO_Annette-Hauschild_Verhuellter-Reichstag_letzte-Nacht_1995_c_Annette-Hauschild_OSTKREUZ, Signal Festival, DOX,PAW 24 – foto Michal Ureš

Did Prague Art Week spark your appetite for discovering more diverse art experiences? Here are some tips on where you can head in the coming days and weeks.

From September 11 to 15, Berlin Art Week invites visitors to BAW Garten at Gropius Bau, where a new large-scale solo exhibition by Rirkrit Tiravanija has also opened. From Prague, you can head to Friday evening gallery openings, Saturday tours of private collections, or weekend explorations of young talent at Motorenhalle or private gallerys presentations at the Positions Art Fair among others featuring, the Czech gallery Kodl Contemporary, which was part of PAW24 and the Polish gallery Molski, which exhibited at PAW23.

Following the success during Prague Art Week, Kodl Contemporary is moving its “art week” exhibition titled “To Be or Not to Be: That Is the Question”, featuring works by Martin Janecký and Rony Plesl, to the Clam-Gallas Palace. The first joint exhibition of these two internationally renowned glass masters will be on display from September 13 to 29. Both artists—masters of Czech glass—draw their inspiration mainly from history, exploring themes of classical art such as “Memento Mori”, “Vanitas”, and the motif of the classical bust.

From September 19 to 22, you can return to the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art. The fall season kicks off with the Fall literary festival, showcasing writers, artists, and other notable guests from the UK, Belgium, USA, Israel, Turkey, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and the Czech Republic. Enjoy exhibitions, readings, workshops, film screenings, music, and family programs aboard the Gulliver airship and throughout the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art. This year’s festival will once again feature inspiring encounters with authors, discussions, workshops, readings, and exhibitions, supplemented by the NIGHTFALL evening program series, which will include the Czech premiere of the film *The Beauty of Life*, a concert by the Berg Orchestra, and Slam Poetry Night. Among the main guests will be Max Porter, Alberto Manguel, the Quay Brothers, Petr Borkovec, Marek Torčík, Jan Němec, Alena Machoninová, and many others. You can also visit the exhibition by Josef Bolf, launched during Prague Art Week, and the KAFKAesque exhibition, which will run only until September 22.


Art lovers should not miss the Venice Biennale this year, which can be visited until the end of November. If you have been hesitating to attend the most prestigious international art exhibition, the Czech exhibition Confluence may persuade you to make the trip to Venice. The group exhibition by Roman Drdová, Beata Hlavenková, Lukáš Likavčan, Matyáš Pavlík, and Daniel Vlček will be held at the Marignana Arte gallery in Venice from October 6 to 30. “In this interdisciplinary exhibition, artistic expressions from various fields merge like water currents against the backdrop of scientific knowledge about the Venetian lagoon. An original interpretation of the coexistence of humans, living and non-living nature, and especially their relationships—which evolve and change through mutual influence in space and time—is articulated here into a collective statement of the participants,” revealed Lucie Drdová in the latest episode of the Art Week podcast.


From October 10 to 13, Signal Festival will once again present a visually captivating experience, illuminating Prague with art installations by both Czech and international artists in familiar and undiscovered locations. At Hradčanské Square, the Archbishop’s Palace will be transformed by the artistic projection *Eternal Recurrence* by digital creator Filip Hodas. This internationally recognized Czech artist, whose works often go viral, skillfully plays with the boundaries between fiction and reality. The facade of the Municipal Library at Mariánské Square inspired a video mapping show by the Spanish-Danish visual group Desilence. Their projection, *The Rhythm of the Ocean*, will transport viewers into the depths of the mighty ocean, accompanied by music from Grammy-nominated composer Suzanne Ciani. The 12th edition of the digital and creative culture festival will, for the first time, include a new platform for education and networking: the Signal Forum conference.


Last but not least, we kindly encourage you to visit Prague galleries, where you can view exhibitions launched during PAW24, which will continue according to the opening hours and schedules of individual galleries in the coming weeks. Explore the galleries you missed during PAW and return to those whose programs caught your attention.