Duration:Jun. 7, 2024 - Oct. 20, 2024
Curator:Zdeněk Freisleben & David Korecký
Text by:Královská letohrádek
Address:Letohrádek královny Anny, Mariánské hradby 1, Prague 1, Prague, 11900

7. 9. 2024 the exhibition is free of charge

7. 9. 2024, 17:00 Guided tour of the exhibition Art of Books with David Korecký. Free admission, reservations required here.

The Royal Summer Palace at Prague Castle is hosting the exhibition Art of Books, which looks at books not through their content but through their form. It presents them as aesthetic or artistic objects and offers a selection of books that are remarkable in terms of typographic or scribal design, craftsmanship, or unique illustrations. It also includes a reading room with interesting publications on art and architecture. The project was created in cooperation with the Memorial of National Literature / Museum of Literature and the project Identita – the Story of Czech graphic design.

5. 9. 2024, 17:00 
Lecture Hall in the Supreme Burgrave’s House at Prague Castle 
Zlatá ulička u Daliborky 7, Praha 1 
Free, reservations required here. 


Rudolf Stockar (1886–1957) was a prominent Czech architect and designer whose work underwent a complex development, from art nouveau, modernism, and cubism to art deco and functionalism. He designed the interior of Jan Masaryk‘s room in Prague Castle in the cubist style. Abtout his work will speak Zdeněk Lukeš, Czech architect, architectural historian, professional publicist, and university professor. He is the author and co-author of many articles and books, lectures, critical works, and teaching texts. He has worked at Prague Castle since the early 1990s. 

Prague castle