Biennale Matter of Art

Duration:Jun. 14, 2024 - Sep. 29, 2024
Artists:Národní galerie Praha – Veletržní palác: Kateryna Aliinyk, Zbyněk Baladrán, Björnsonova, kulturní družstvo (Markéta Mráčková, Barbora Šimonová) s Viktorem Vejvodou, výzkumná skupina DAVRA research group (Madina Joldybek, Zumrad Mirzalieva, Saodat Ismailova), Martina Drozd Smutná, Giorgi Gago Gagoshidze, Asunción Molinos Gordo, Uladzimir Hramovich, Adelita Husni-Bey, Nikita Kadan, Kateřina Konvalinová & Judita Levitnerová, Kateryna Lysovenko, Pınar Öğrenci, Natalie Perkof, Marta Popivoda, Randomroutines (Tamás Kaszás & Krisztián Kristóf), Alicja Rogalska, Elske Rosenfeld, Zorka Ságlová, Antje Schiffers, Olia Sosnovskaya, Petr Štembera, Dominika Trapp, Tomáš Uhnák s Asiou Dér / Tamásem Kaszásem / Asunción Molinos Gordo; Lidická galerie: Jevgenija Belorusets, Jean Effel, Guido Di Fidio, Jaroslav Futymskij, Hans Grundig, Renato Guttuso, Tatiana Yablonskaya, Dana Kavelina s Olhou Marusyn, Anna Kindynnis, George Kotsonis, Hildo Krop, Yuri Leiderman, Axl Leskoschek, Kateryna Lysovenko, Mirano Marizza, Margaryta Polovynko, Anton Saienko, Ilya Todurkin
Curator:Katalin Erdődi, Aleksei Borisionok
Text by:Bienále Ve věci umění
Address:National Gallery Prague – Trade Fair Palace, Dukelských Hrdinů 47, Prague 1, Prague 7, 170 00

7. 9. 2024, 15:00 Guided tour of the Biennale Matter of Art 

7. 9. 2024, 16:00–17:30 Debate

The personal and the public in the age of Instagram. How has politics in art changed?

One of the strong currents of political critique in art and culture today is the mediation of the experience of those who are overlooked and disadvantaged by mainstream society—often women or queer people but also people excluded because of their skin color or social background or situation. Moreover, the representation of marginalized people, stories, and attitudes in art is often linked to strategies of autofiction and other methods that view global issues through personal experience and identity or otherwise relate them to one’s own position and situation of authorship. Art projects of this type are thus not only autonomous works of art but also an integral part of the personal lives of the creators. Moreover, the emphasis on the personal aspect fits naturally into the expectations created by the online space of social platforms, where authors themselves become an object of interest and a target of public criticism to a degree that was previously unimaginable. What benefits does this situation bring to artists whose work attempts to communicate topics that are unpopular with the majority, socially critical, or otherwise marginalized? What new strategies are offered within the arts for communicating these themes, and how do they relate to traditional institutional frameworks? And what are the pitfalls of person-centered critical art practice today?


The third edition of the Biennale Matter of Art will take place from June 14, 2024, to September 29, 2024, in the Grand Hall of the National Gallery Prague, the Lidice Gallery, and other venues. Curated by Katalin Erdődi and Aleksei Borisionok, the project will also feature a new bilingual publication comprising theoretical texts and artistic contributions. Admission to the biennale as well as the accompanying public program will be free of charge. The biennale is organized by the initiative in cooperation with the National Gallery Prague and the Lidice Art Collection. Katalin Erdődi and Aleksei Borisionok graft their interests in rural change as social change and the legacies and futures of workers' movements. They focus on forgotten stories of social unrest and underrepresented experiences of sociopolitical transformation in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond. Bringing together diverse artistic and discursive contributions, the curators look for resonances between historical struggles and the contemporary moment. The Biennale Matter of Art marks a first-time collaboration between Erdődi and Borisionok, who are both based in Vienna.

Inspired by the technique of grafting, we ask ourselves how we can graft solidarities across the rural-urban divide, from the factories to the fields. Instead of letting our differences separate us, how can we create new alliances and grow stronger together? This is exactly what grafting does. It is a technique used in agriculture and medicine to join different plant parts as well as animal or human tissue so that they can grow together and become stronger. It shows us the possibility for transformation in surprising and unexpected ways, not restricted to fixed identities. We can initiate grafting, but we cannot control whether it succeeds or fails. We believe that we also need to acknowledge failure as part of our struggles for change.

Biennale Matter of Art