Bora Akıncıtürk: The Narcissist

Duration:Sep. 14, 2022 - Oct. 14, 2022
Curator:Ján Gajdušek
Text by:PAW
Address:Holešovická šachta, Bubenská 242/14, Prague 7, Prague, 170 00

The exhibition will present a cross-section of the work of Turkish multimedia artist Bora Akıncıtürk, focusing on drawings and video. The artist is internationally known for his socially critical approach, which he applies in a wide range of media including painting, drawing, object, installation and video. His works are clusters of glosses, appropriations and collages inspired by the world of social media, memes, internet aesthetics and culture or modes of expression in the digital age.

photo: Bora Akıncıtürk – Dienz Belendir,  200 x 160 cm, 2019

 14. 9. 19:00 – 20:00 Opening, guided tour and Afterparty