FROM LINES TO MATTER / Vojtěch Kovařík

Duration:Jun. 8, 2024 - Sep. 8, 2024
Artists:Vojtěch Kovařík
Curator:Martina Vítková
Text by:Museum Kampa
Address:Museum Kampa, U Sovových mlýnů 2, Malá Strana, Prague, 118 00

8. 9. 2024, 14:00–18:00 Workshop, during the guided tour the exhibition admission is free of charge in the dates of PAW24

8. 9. 2024 14:00 Guided tour with the exhibition curator.
During the guided tour the exhibition can be visited for free within PAW24.
Booking here.

8. 9. 2024, 18:30 Meda Mládek Art Prize Ceremony

Museum Kampa presents the painting and sculpture work of Vojtěch Kovařík (1993). His themes are universal and stand at the foundations of Euro-American civilization. Ancient myths, gods, goddesses, titans, heroes, and heroines retain their significance even in the third millennium.

Museum Kampa