We are announcing the date of this year’s Prague Art Week, which will take place from 21-24 September 2023. We are also creating an international network of Art Weeks and preparing an exhibition in Hong Kong. What else is happening in Prague Art Week? For the latest news, read our PAW NEWS.

Prague Art Week 23 

#savethedate You can already put the date of PAW 23 in your diaries now, on the penultimate weekend in September – 21-24 September 2023. This time our block of thematic lectures and masterclasses called Superstudio will take place on 21 September, with 4 thematic blocks Art Career, Art Reflection, Art Service and Art Collecting during one day. Once again we are inviting big names from the art world, who will be revealed soon along with the location of Superstudio and the opening ceremony. In the meantime, we invite you to join in our year-round activities.

Patronage and organisation of exhibitions and events

Together with our programme partners, we present selected exhibitions and events across the Czech Republic. Until 20 May, you can visit David Krňanský’s exhibition Walking Dog at the Artefin Gallery in Měšice near Prague, to which we cordially invite you. For instructions on how to get to the gallery and more information, see the gallery above this article.

International cooperation PAW

Prague Art Week was part of the Czech EU Presidency and established important partnerships abroad, namely with Berlin Art Week, Vienna Art Week and Pro Helvetia. We continue to develop these collaborations and create a network of Art Weeks on a global level. The following art weeks have accepted an invitation to join our initiative: the Mayfair Art Weekend in London, Warsaw Gallery Weekend, Brussels Gallery Weekend and Amsterdam Art Week.

Patronage and organisation of exhibitions and events abroad

Together with our foreign partners, we prepare or sponsor exhibitions of Czech art abroad. Our main programme partners and galleries are invited to cooperate with PAW throughout the year through the Art Family programme.

We are currently preparing:

Simbiosis 2.0 exhibition, which is part of the Art Basel Hong Kong VIP programme, in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Hong Kong, from 24 – 29 March 2023.

An exhibition at the Czech Centre in Vienna, which will be part of the Vienna Art Week programme, taking place 10-17 November 2023.

Year-round editorial activities of PAW

We are recording a new podcast for you, which will follow the NET – In the Net of Art podcast series with a new concept. In the meantime, if you are a Czech speaker you can listen to the last two episodes on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

How do you make a gallery? That’s the topic of our conversation with Katherine “Kacha” Kastner, who, together with Camille Hunt, founded one of Prague’s most successful private galleries.

We talk to Ondřej Horák and Kristýna Kočová from Kreativní Praha about the possibilities of developing cultural and creative industries at EU level. The themes of sustainability and new roles offered to creatives also foreshadow the PAW23 dramaturgy.