Duration:Sep. 21, 2023 - Jan. 31, 2024
Curator:Ondřej Horák (Fuczik)
Text by:Galerie Smečky

Opening: 21. 9. at 17:30

An overview exhibition of collages by one of the most prominent personalities of Czech visual art, Jiří Kovanda. In the exhibition at the Smečky Gallery, the artist will present his collages, which he has been creating since 1973, a continuous work spanning 50 years. Jiří Kovanda (1953) belongs to a group of contemporary Czech artists whose works are represented in foreign collections and who regularly exhibits both in this country and at international shows.

Galerie Smečky 

Gallery Smečky is an public space in the centre of Prague, which focuses mainly on the medium of collage. It has been presenting its historical and contemporary form in regular exhibitions since 2005. At the same time, it manages an large collection of Czech collage owned by Pražská plynárenská. This corporate collection consists of more than 550 works. It represents all the important Czech artists who worked in the medium of collage in the 20th century. The new dramaturgy of the Smečky Gallery continues the presentation of a broad collection of works of Czech collage. At the same time, it focuses on students of art colleges and the contemporary art scene. The aim of the Gallery is to become a place that overcomes generational differences in the view of art. The new intention is to create a barrier-free environment suitable for visits by parents with children and for all social nad age groups.