Tomáš Tichý

Duration:Sep. 21, 2023 - Nov. 24, 2024
Text by:Galerie Artefin
Address:Galerie Artefin, Nádražní 203, Měšice, 250 64

Opening 23. 9., 16.00 

In the paintings of Tomáš Tichý (1984), hyper-realistic depictions of ordinary situations are intermingled in a masterful manner with elements that deliberately disrupt and deconstruct the depicted reality. Overly familiar and at first glance banal motifs of athletes, human figures, and portraits of top models—images which engulf us daily in all media—are subtly manipulated by the artist to force us to think about the secret that could be hidden behind them. “I work critically with illusion and the theme of manipulation. In my paintings, the line between reality and its simulation is often blurred. I look for hope through colors,” comments the author on his work. 

Galerie Artefin