Duration:Sep. 12, 2023 - Oct. 27, 2023
Curator:Mgr. Petr Šimáček
Text by:Galerie PRE
Address:Gallery PRE, Na Vrších , 10-Vršovice, Prague 10-Vršovice, 100 00

Andrea Forsterova studied painting at the academy of fine arts in prague, where she also lives and works. She expresses herself primarily through painting, most often in large-scale, semi-abstract works that make frequent use of linear perspective. Their once lively and expressive nature has been changing in her recent works into a search for tranquillity and our place in space. Frequent themes include time, our place in the universe, and a fictitious landscape. Sometimes angels or animals with a fantastic story appear in the paintings. Through her images, the artist grants us access to her world of imagination. She has realized dozens of solo exhibitions. The title of this exhibition, Zpomal/Slow Down, stems from the endeavor to take a break from todays busy and highly stressful urban life.

Galerie PRE