Duration:Sep. 8, 2022 - Oct. 23, 2022
Curator:Martina Zátorská
Text by:Untitled-Art
Address:UNTITLED-ART, Zborovská 64, Prague 5, Prague, 150 00

The exhibition features British-Swiss artist collective JocJonJosch and Italian artist Nicolò Degiorgis. It opens a wider discussion around collaborative artistic groups, performance art, photography, and con- temporary translations of the legacies of Conceptual Art and Land Art.

ARTISTS: Jocelyn Marchington, Jonathan Brantschen, Joschi Herczeg, Nicolò Degiorgis

Art Talk: 8. 9. 2022, 17:00

 Opening: 8. 9. 2022, 19:00


photo: Nicolò Degiorgis, PEAK (Hardcover), Rorhof, Bolzano (IT), 2019, Jocelyn_Joschi_Jonathan, The Movement, ArtBasel, Basel (CHE), 2018