Save the date! PAW24

Save the date!

Prague will once again come alive with contemporary art! We are pleased to announce that the 3rd edition of PRAGUE ART WEEK24 will take place from 5 to 8 September.

Forty leading art spaces, ranging from galleries and museums to project spaces, artist studios and residencies, will open their exhibitions across the city and invite you to join them for an extraordinary experience.

For the third time, Festival of contemporary art Prague Art Week will bring an engaging programme for art lovers, professionals and collectors, cultural enthusiasts and international visitors.

Be there!


We are also very pleased to announce that we are part of the European Art Week Alliance. “The Spider” Unites Major European Art Festivals for a Vibrant Cultural Collaboration.

 The Spider unites Major European Art Weeks

A new era of unity and collaboration is unfolding across the European art world, as we proudly introduce “The Spider” – a platform that brings together major European Art Weeks and Gallery Weekends. This alliance includes renowned events such as Amsterdam Art Week, Berlin Art Week, Prague Art Week, Vienna Art Week, Stockholm Art Week, London Gallery Weekend and Barcelona Gallery Weekend.

The mission is to foster a thriving community of Europe-based art festivals, connecting with emerging and established art galleries and institutions across the continent. This initiative marks an ambitious chapter in our collective journey, with a focus on promoting Europe as the destination for art, creativity, and education through our network of hubs. The cities will develop a closer relationship, facilitate knowledge exchange, partnerships, and make it more efficient for professionals to travel and get more information about each city’s programs. 

The Spider Journal: The Spider Collaborative will launch the Spider Journal, an online publication showcasing art spaces, institutions, galleries, and artists from the partner cities. Esteemed art writers and critics from across Europe will provide insights into local art scenes, enhancing the connection between local and international creativity.

The Spider symbolizes strength, intricate connectivity, and the interwoven nature of the arts. It forms a web of artistic innovation and cultural exchange, with Art Weeks, Gallery Weekends, and other art festivals from across Europe coming together to kickstart this exciting venture. Each partner organization will feature The Spider Journal on their websites, sparking a broader cultural conversation by sharing diverse artistic and gallery practices from partner cities.