Vienna Art Week: The First of the World Art Weeks

In 2004 Vienna Art Week was established, being the first art week in the world ever organized and after 18 years it became a leading global art event. Other art weeks followed suit, such as the ones in Berlin, Amsterdam or Tokio. Prague Art Week strives to attain the same quality and level and obtain the same cultural and artistic impact as these prominent art events.

The founder and artistic director of Vienna Art Week, Robert Punkenhofer, aimed to position Vienna as a national and international hotspot of art. Vienna Art Week is held by Vienna’s major museums, exhibition venues, art spaces, institutions of art education, and galleries, all are part of the association Art Cluster Vienna, which is the leading organization behind Vienna Art Week. Albertina, MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Leopold Museum, mumok Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung, or Academy of Fine Arts Vienna are amongst those that are part of the association. Together they are a crucial part of Vienna Art Week offering valuable programs and connecting the broad art scene in the Austrian capital. Vienna Art  Week focuses on the most significant art institutions as well as independent artist-run spaces and artists’ studios, thus creating a platform for promoting and opening the art world to a broader audience, although most of the visitors are art professionals, or others who are interested in art. Every year Vienna Art Week attracts around 35 000 people from around the world that are eager to explore the vast and diverse art scene of Vienna. 

Vienna Art Week usually takes place in November and offers an outstanding artistic program featuring everything from exhibitions and performances to talks and lectures, guided gallery tours and more. Around 200 events by approximately 50 collaborating program partners all work together to bring attention to the city’s sprawling and distinct art scene. Vienna Art Week is funded by private and public funds, hence there is no entrance fee.

Last year, a Czech artist Jakub Matuška attended Vienna Art Week. He was part of the week-long exhibition of visual art, music and performance called “House of Losing Control”. This experimental venue showcased the work of 80 artists with subjects and topics ranging from loss of control to ecstasy to states of complete letting-go and introspection. Interesting part of Vienna Art Week are also the Open Studio Days, which opened doors to visitors that were eager to see artists work in their ateliers. More than 100 studios were opened last year, making the event a perfect place to be if you have always wanted to witness the artistic production with your own eyes. 

This year the event will take place 18-25 November 2022. You can learn more about Vienna Art Week on their website and don’t forget to follow their Facebook or Instagram page!