Each season, Weekend Max Mara Signature presents special collections designed in collaboration with an international celebrity. This year, it presents its tenth anniversary collection for autumn/winter 2022-23, designed by Patricia Urquiola. The collection is titled Habito, which in Spanish means “habits” and “inhabit” in the first person. “My work is a daily exploration of how we can inhabit a space or life experience in different dimensions. Why not also in clothing? They are pieces of our homes that we carry with us on our journey. The collection tells the story of hybrid pieces that are part of us as our home. Emotional dwellings,” says Patricia Urquiola, adding that Habito is a very personal project for her.
Spanish fashion designer Patricia Urquiola is one of the world’s best known and most successful designers of applied art, which is why Weekend Max Mara is presenting the first pieces from the collection on the occasion of the Prague Art Week. The Habito collection was presented at the closing party of the festival at the Kvalitář gallery.
Weekend Max Mara also dressed influencers and artists during the festival. Weekend Max Mara outfits were worn by influencer Nicole Kudělková, jewellery designer and model Barbora Hankeová, model and musician Terezie Kovalová, world-famous photographer Marie Tomanová and gallery owner and festival director Lenka Bakešová. The individual outfits can be seen in the gallery above the article.